Little Letter Learning - G

Here we are! Letter #14...starting the second half of the alphabet and I think it will go much faster. Bean is asking about letters SO often. Any word she hears she wants to know what letter it starts with, she wants to learn all of the letters and is starting to pick up on some without even learning them. Just a warning, I know we already skipped 1 letter (will be discussed next time) and I have noticed a few she may not need but I am going to wait to make the call when we get a little closer!

Shapes: I got nothing. Let me know!

Actions: gallop like a goat, honk like a goose


  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Jim Aylesworth
    • Favorite author, not my favorite story, but I did love his presentation as usual!
  • The Curious Garden - Peter Brown
    • This is such a cute little story about a dark town where a little boy finds a small area of plants, nurtures it and changes the whole city! I really enjoy this book. As someone who enjoys gardening, I enjoy it a little bit extra...makes me think of weeds though. The pictures are really cute. Super well done book!
  • Grumpy Goat - Brett Helquist
    • This book is cute, another one about nurturing plants, which ends up being a bit of theme here in this letter! However, this plant transforms a goat instead of a city! Could totally do a whole theme on caring for something other than yourself with this week as well, of course I just made the connection there, but worth thinking about with Boogie!
  • The Gingerbread Man - Jim Aylesworth
    • Again - not my favorite story, but love Aylesworth.
  • The Great Gracie Chase - Stop That Dog - Cynthia Rylant
    • Gracie is a good dog who loves a quiet house and usually, her house is quiet...then the painters show up. There is a lot of running in this book and, in typical Rylant style, completely enjoyable! We love her.
  • George and Martha - James Marshall
    • This is a funny book. Some of the stories are a little less enjoyable, but the first one is my favorite!
  • Curious George - Margret and H.A. Rey
    • Any of them, all of them, you just have to love Curious George.
  • Goodnight, Moon - Margaret Wise Brown
    • A classic. Not my favorite by any means, I'm just not a big Margaret Wise Brown fan in general, BUT, nevertheless a classic. We own it, I just try not to read it too often.
  • Goodnight, God - Holly Bea
    • Great alternative to "Goodnight, Moon". I love this book. We got this for our baby shower and I have loved it the whole time. A little boy and his dad walk home and he says goodnight to all the things he sees on the way home. This was a bedtime favorite for Bean for a long time.
"G" went a lot better than I anticipated! I thought she would have a tough time since it looks a little bit like "C", but she did REALLY well and I was so proud of her! I hope you enjoy these books too, we really did. 

- Mama


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