Little Letter Learning - V


The letter V is our 24th letter. This one has been a little hard for her, but we are still working on it a little bit. When the little and big V are beside each other she wants to say W, which is understandable, so I am just trying to be patient with her, she will certainly get it soon, she is trying really hard! She just told me the other day that she is a little tired of doing the numbers we have been doing, so I guess I need to work on making those a little more exciting! We are just one letter away from summer Mama is in a little bit of a rush to get this all done with so we can focus on other important things like the garden, know! All the important things.

Actions: play a violin

  • The Viper - Lisa Thiesing
    • Okay, so this book was a little different reading, it the first time, like, what is happening? Who is the Viper? When I got to the end I was just cracking up. I just sat and giggled when my husband read it to her waiting for him to get to the punchline.
  • This is the Van that Dad Cleaned - Lisa Campbell Ernst
    • Super relatable as a parent! I can't say this is my favorite writing style because that would be a lie. I do not enjoy this storytelling style, but it is a cute little application and there really are not a lot of books for the letter V!
  • What in the World is a Violin? - Mary Elizabeth Saltzmann
    • Not a terribly fun book to read, it is really just facts about the violin. I specifically enjoyed it because I play the viola, so it was fun to get to introduce her to the instrument I play!
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar could also be thrown in!
One more letter to go - you got this, Mama! Almost there, hopefully it is not the end of June for you!

- Mama


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