Little Letter Learning - C

Letter number seven - another fun one. I think I mentioned in the letter N that I was losing her at this point. It was still going down hill at this point, but I did not realize it. We kept it rolling!

Shapes: circle, cross, cylinder, cube, cuboid, crescent

Action: crawl, arch like a cat, climb


  • Cupcake: a journey to special - Charlies Mericle Harper
    • This is a sweet story about a cupcake who is not as flashy as the rest. Cupcake meets Candle, who is more than willing to try to help Cupcake's appearance improve. The story is so cute, lots of encouragement, which is a fantastic for little ones, in my opinion. We live in a world operating from a shortage worldview thinking if someone else is more appealing it means we are out of luck, however, we serve a God who gives out of abundance. This book allows kids to see the importance of not discounting themselves based on the appearance of other girls and boys around them, but to allow God to use them the way they are, work together as a team to make something beautiful. Now, is this the intended message? Nope. However, it is fun to use any books to take kids closer to Jesus.
  • Everyone Loves Cupcake - Kelly Dipucchio
    • Humility is hard and Cupcake struggles. She wants to look perfect all the time and she makes sure everyone knows how perfect she is. Why does no one like her? Well, because she is arrogant and insecure! She finally decides to be honest and it opens everyone up to be honest as well. 
  • Corduroy - Don Freeman
    • Honestly, if you do not know about this story then I am not confident I can help you. It is such a classic, a total obvious one here. 
  • Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site - Sherri Duskey Rinker
    • Anyone else have a girl and boy? I have found girl books are super easy to find...boy books? Not so easy. This one though - I absolutely adore it. All of the construction site books are great, I can recommend all of them!
  • The Cow Loves Cookies - Karma Wilson
    • Karma Wilson books are a lot of fun. I enjoy this one in particular. Everyone on the farm has the right food, the cow? Well, the cow loves cookies. The lilt and rhymes in this one are super unique and I really appreciate it.
  • The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss
    • Another classic, if your kid can handle it, this is one to add! However - pretty long, so we did not use it in this situation, could be a bedtime book for an evening if your little one can handle longer stories in the different context. I know Bean does a really good job in the evening, she loves books all the time, but we have more time as a family then.
  • Clickety Clack - Amy Spencer and Robert Spence III
    • Hands down my favorite in "C". Easy. No questions. The meter of this one is hard to catch, but you have to catch it because it sounds like a train and it ramps up, then slows down, it is so adorable. One I do not own, but probably will at some point!
  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault
    • Another classic, not my favorite, but a book worth reading. It has all the letters in it, so may be a bit confusing, but it could work depending on the kid!
  • If You Give A Mouse A Cookie - Laura Numeroff
    • Again - classic. Super worth it. Certainly the BEST one of the whole series!
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle
    • Classic, again, one of the only Eric Carle books I really enjoy a lot! It is such a cute little book, plus the different sized pages are really fun for little kids. My son loves them.
  • Curious George - H. A. Ray
    • Any of them! I adore Curious George. Such cute books, the pictures are so good, my daughter loves them so much, we have a collection of eight different stories and they are her favorites for long trips where we can only take so many books!
So I know I said I like to have 6 books - two per day - on my lists. I still feel the same way, but I have kind of decided if we own them, we can use them a little bit more and just introduce her more frequently and see more of the letter. Plus, it helps me be more intentional with the books I choose to read to her throughout the week. Also, I know that "Click, Clack, Moo" is a solid "C" book, I honestly just do not enjoy it at all. I have to really enjoy the book for it to stay on the list at this point. I will probably make edits as we continue to make sure I only keep the best on my lists! 

- Mama


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