Little Letter Learning - E


Our 9th letter, the letter E! This was the first one after our review session. Bean was struggling with K, C, N and I, so we reviewed and she really grabbed hold of them! After that, she was ready to learn some new letters and has been REALLY excited about it ever since! E was very fun, considering the fact we hadn't learned anything new recently she was thrilled. 

I have no shapes for this letter, actions we have are "act like and elephant" and "crack an egg". Honestly - we have not been doing any actions. She is very imaginative and has been LOVING coming up with all sorts of words she knows starting with the letter we are learning. This has been much more meaningful for her specifically as she is a very relational and verbal child. Now, my son is a bit of a spit-fire. He is only one but I think we will probably make much use of the actions when he is age 17.


  • Emily's Balloon - Komako Sakai
    • I really enjoyed this sweet little book. Anyone with a child who has done the helium balloon thing would appreciate it I think. It is sweet and childish (in the best way). The balloon keeps getting away from her, but her mama comes up with a plan to keep the balloon with her and they have a wonderful day together.
  • Eggday - Joyce Dunbar
    • Honestly - not my favorite book. Why is it still on the list? My Bean girl asked to read it every. single. day. in rest time. And so, it stays! It is not a bad book, it just did not have as much to offer as I wanted. The farm animals are having egg day, the chicken helps everyone else but then duck changes the day last minute! It is a cute little story.
  • The Empty Pot - Demi
    • Hands down Mama and Daddy's favorite book of this letter! We adore this one. It has a sweet little message about a little boy who does his absolute best. His father encourages him to take confidence and present his work with pride even though he does not get the outcome he desires. Super sweet, very encouraging as a parent and, honestly, just an all-around sweet story.
  • Edward the Emu - Sheena Knowles
    • Great little story about being happy with who you are! Edward finds out after a few days of trying to be someone else how special he is just as he was made.
  • Emma's Pet - David M McPhail
    • Emma looks around all day for a cuddly pet. She finds lots of options but nothing just perfect until the end of the day, when she finds an unexpected pet - the perfect option!
  • The Little Engine That Could - Watty Piper
    • Classic, always good, if you do not know it, you really should.
  • Edward's Overwhelming Overnight - Rosemary Wells
    • Another sweet little story. Edward goes to visit a friend when a snowstorm hits - surprise - he is spending the night. But is he really ready for it? Thankfully, his friends' parents help him through it. This would be a great story to talk about trusted adults and friendships.
  • An Extraordinary Egg - Leo Lionni
    • I laughed out loud. Three frogs live on an island together and they all have different daily habits. Jessica goes on adventures and finds an egg one day! She brings it back and they make a new friend! Unfortunately, the friend has to go back to it's mama one day but not before they have adventures together. The best part is how the frogs identify the creature who comes out of the egg. It is a great guess, and they commit to it. Easily my second favorite find in this batch.
E was such a fun letter for us for some reason. I enjoyed the books a lot and Bean was thrilled to learn a new letter. Since this, she has caught on pretty quickly and is getting extremely excited. It almost seems like she is paying more attention and putting more effort in so she can keep learning new letters.

I hope you enjoy! We certainly have!

- Mama


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