Little Letter Learning - K

Number 8! As usual, we went over the sound the letter makes, did our flashcard, struggled through all the other letters we knew...this was the last letter before we did our week long review, so K was a struggle, but we DID make it!

Shapes: I do not have any, as usual, would love any ideas.

Actions: fly like a kite, jump like a kangaroo

  • K is for Kindness  Rina Horiuchi
    • This is a cute little book we got from the Imagination Library, which I just realized I have never linked, so if you are not using it and can, you should be! I have really enjoyed it other than the fact that they use the word "nice" at the end, I changed it to kind, which was a significant improvement. You should know starting here at the beginning (ish): I despise the word "nice". I do not expect it of my children, I see it as either a character flaw or a lack of vocabulary on the speaker's part. When do you use the word "nice"? When you really do not know someone well enough to say what their character is truly like! If you know someone you say "he is a great guy" or "she is just a sweetheart" - you reveal something about the person you are talking about - if you say "he's nice", you probably do not know the person or do not think highly of the person at all. 
  • Kite Day - Will Hillenbrand
    • I loved this book. Bear notices the weather and declares it kite day, he and mole make a kite and get to fly it when a storm rolls through, as a result, the kite serves a different purpose which is much appreciated!
  • A Kiss for Little Bear - Else Holmelund Minarik
    • Little Bear is a classic, this book is just as sweet as most of them. We enjoyed this one a lot. Mama sends a kiss to little bear, it gets a little lost along the way, but eventually it gets there and accomplishes a little extra as well!
  • Katy No Pocket - Emmy Payne
    • This one makes me think of Curious George, it is a really good story, can incorporate some information on birth defects as well if your child is ready for it. Katy does not have a pocket, so her baby just has to jump and cannot keep up, so Katy goes in search of ways to carry her baby! She goes to great lengths to take care of her baby and finds a creative solution. 
We had quite a few duds in this letter, but ended up finding what we needed. I would like to add some more books to this letter, so I will certainly keep looking!

- Mama


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