Little Letter Learning - M


Our 12th letter and we are rolling now. She doesn't want to stick with just one per day, but seems to think we should be adding another letter on top of our weekly ones. Here we are though, still doing one letter a week. In the end, she may wear me down, time will tell. She is so excited and doing really well actually THINKING bout her answers when we do the flashcards, not getting upset when she gets one wrong but sitting and thinking about it. I am VERY proud of her!

Shapes: I'm here for ideas!

Actions: munch like a mouse, move like a monkey, make a muscle


  • Millie Waits for the Mail - Alexander Steffensmeier
    • Hands down my favorite on this list. Possibly my favorite we have read of the suggested books. My dad is a mailman and also milks cows, so this is part of the reason, but VERY entertaining read. Millie LOVES when the mailman comes, you have to read and find out why, I can't give you much here, but it is absolutely fantastic.
  • Mary and the Mouse, the Mouse and Mary - Beverly Donofrio
    • Mary and the mouse strike an unlikely friendship that continues for generations. Not my favorite one, but it wasn't horrible. Definitely one I would remove from the list if I was looking to slim down though!
  • If You Give A Moose A Muffin - Laura Numeroff
    • I really love these books, it may be, I don't know, third on the list for me? The typical Laura Numeroff story, well worth the read!
  • The Monster at the End of this Book - Jon Stone
    • Another classic - super cute. My kids love this book, Bean Girl adored it for years and was quoting it by the time she was two!
  • Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel - Virginia Lee Burton
    • Honestly, just a list of classics here. I am starting to really enjoy the Burton books, this one is probably the most classic in my mind, but I think all of hers are, really.
  • Are You My Mother? P.D. Eastman
    • The classics continue! I'm sure you have read this one, it is a very popular one here at our house, both Bean and Boogs love it, so we have not read it with the actual school books, but we read it all the time anyway!
  • Mouse Went Out to Get a Snack - Lyn Rossiter McFarland
    • And here we stop with the classics. I enjoyed this one! There were a lot of mouse books on the list and I really disliked most of them. This one is on the list for now, but if I find a book I like better it will quickly be removed...I also haven't had the chance to ask my husband his opinion on it, we will see what he thinks.
  • Goodnight Moon - Margaret Wise Brown
    • Wrapping it up with a classic. I'm not a big Margaret Wise Brown fan, this book is no exception. I don't enjoy it, but we have a few copies of it and it's a classic so I put it on the list for good measure!
We have been having a great time this week, like I said, she is all about it and we have been LOVING the letter M. She knew it after the first day. Now she is struggling just a little bit with "N" but she knows right away that it is wrong and that has been really sweet for me to see. I was very concerned about the N and M thing and apparently for no reason whatsoever! She is always surprising me and I have no reason to think it will ever change.

- Mama


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