Little Letter Learning - N


Letter N! Our 6th letter in our cycle! This one is about where I started to lose Bean Girl, but we pushed on for a little while longer. I am not entirely certain why N was so difficult for this girl. We made it through though! Thankfully, N is for Nana - her favorite human on the planet - so it was a real hit in the way. One of the challenges here was the picture on the back of the letter N flashcard was for "nest" but, of course, she saw the "egg" in it, which made everything a bit more challenging because, obviously, "egg" has nothing to do with "nest" or "N" in general. A hurdle I certainly did not count on dealing with! I will have to adjust the cards for Baby Boogs!

Note - my book list is severely decreased. For sure had the most duds in this list. Lots of weeding out to do, the good ones were really good though!

Shapes: I have none, please send help

Actions: scrunch your nose, shake your head no, nod your head yes


  • The Best Nest - P.D. Eastman
    • This is a cute little story about a bird couple who looks around for different places to live. There are a lot of different options, but all of them have something wrong with them! After quite an adventure, they end up in the best nest.
  • The Perfect Nest - Catherine Friend
    • Certainly one of my favorites of this collection. For the want of an omelet, the cat makes a nest, many fowl come to lay eggs and the cat ends up with more than he bargained for! I love the characters in this book. Such a blast, highly recommend.
  • Nosy Rosie - Holly Keller
    • Rosie has a gift, she can smell incredibly well! It is a huge benefit for her entire family, but when she gets a nickname she does not appreciate, she refuses to share it with anyone else. One day, her gift helps the whole family and the value of it is brought to the forefront, her nickname is never used again. Great lesson on being respectful of each other.
  • The Nose Book - Al Perkins
    • A classic for sure. What can noses be used for? What would it be like without one? So many uses and how funny would it be if we did not have noses? Great book.
  • Night in the Country - Cynthia Rylant
    • Cynthia Rylant will probably be showing up on many of my lists. Frequently. I just very much so enjoy her books! This one is especially sweet for me because I grew up in the country, my entire family did as well, as did my husband and as will my children. The book is just so sweet and on point. What happens in the country when you go to sleep? What happens to all those critters when you go to sleep? Read and find out!
  • Night, Night, Farm - Amy Parker
    • This is one we own from our baby shower! It was from my Grandma and Grandpa, goes through all the farm animals before they go to bed, how they got worn out and then what happens when they all go to sleep! It is a cute little rhyming, animal book about them saying "night, night" - how many "N"s can you get in one book? This one has them all. Plus, little siblings can love it as well. 
I am glad I could get it limited down to just six books, for us, it has been great to have two books to read. Right now I am doing a list that has about three books per day and it is a little bit long for my liking, Boogs gets restless with us doing school work for a little bit too long, but he has started to love the books, so if I find a few more I may up the list in the future.

- Mama


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