Little Letter Learning - R


Our 11th letter. We liked the letter "R", a little complicated since we also have "K" and "P" to work with. She has had a little bit of a challenge with it but I think we have it down for the most part. The frustrating thing is that "R" is typically written with a little bit of flair on book pages and she looses the little stick and calls it a "P", but I get it! I point it out to her and we move on. If she sees it written in regular font she knows it easily.

Shapes: rectangle, rhombus

Action: run, reach, ride

  • Rosie Revere Engineer - Andrea Beaty
    • If you haven't read any of "The Questioneers", they are pretty fun books! I have only read two of them so far, but this one we own. My husband is an engineer, so we were gifted it when Bean was born. She was asking for another book one day and I pulled this one out, definitely a worth-while read! 
  • Rumpelstiltskin - Paul O Zelinsky
    • So I know this is a common fairy tale, I had absolutely no idea what the story was about. None. I really enjoyed this version! The pictures were gorgeous even though the actual story itself leaves a little to be desired in my own personal opinion!
  • Falling For Rapunzel - Leah Wilcox
    • This one is so fun. We enjoyed it and she chose to read it quite a bit throughout the week! The prince shows up to call for Rapunzel but she continues to misunderstand him and throws down everything but her hair. Ultimately, he ends up with something worth keeping! Super fun rhyming little book.
  • The Little Red Caboose - Marian Potter
    • You say "Little Golden Book" and  I'm basically just here for it. This one we have as part of our collection from my baby shower. It is a sweet little story about being comfortable with your position and who you are because you serve a purpose no matter what! I am thankful God can use me regardless of what I think about where He has placed me.
  • Rattletrap Car - Phyllis Root
    • This is a really fun book. I like the noisy books and this one is so! The kids want to go to the lake so bad, but will the car make it? Well, not without some help. Good thing they packed all they need for the lake because all of it helps them along the way! This one made the top list for this week.
  • Roslyn Rutabaga and the Biggest Hole On Earth - Marie-Louise Gay
    • This one was not one of my favorites, but here we are. I think it's a keeper because it is a cute little story. Roslyn wants to see a penguin, she is going to dig to the South Pole, at least, that's the plan! She keeps running into a lot of challenges, but her dad is super supportive and I really appreciated their relationship aspect of the book. It is sweet and definitely redeems the book and is why I decided to keep it on my list!
  • The Rainbow Fish - Marcus Pfister
    • A classic book about selfishness, sharing and friendship. We own this one, Bean got it for Christmas this year, so we didn't read it for school, but we can read it any time we want! It is definitely a good story and worth reading!
I was pretty pleased with how this letter went but I cannot say it includes my favorite list of books. These books are all fine, I enjoy them, but I would not say any of them are at the top of any of my lists for books in general, so if anyone has some "R" recommendations I am all ears! 

- Mama


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