Little Letter Learning - T


Time to chat about the letter T! Third letter in our little letter learning process.

Shapes: triangle, trapezoid

Actions: tickle, tiptoe, twirl


  • Little Blue Truck - Alice Schertle
    • Such a fun little book, all of the books in the series have been incredible, so really, just grab any of them! I do have a particular love for the original because it goes through all the animal sounds - perfect for little siblings!
  • Sleep Train, Dream Train - Sherri Duskey Rinker
    • This is a really cute little book about a little train picking up a bunch of different animals. It is a sweet little imagination book.
  • I'm a Little Teapot - Iza Trapani
    • Such a fun little book telling the little rhyme, I also loved the pictures in this one in particular!
  • The Tooth Book - Dr. Seuss
    • Again - another classic Seuss book. You just cannot go wrong with a classic.
  • The Little Train that Could - Watty Piper
    • Apparently I just went with classics on the letter T. Such a sweet book, so much color and imagination PLUS came free from the Imagination Library!
Always open to more book ideas, I'm a little light on the letter T!

- Mama


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