Little Letter Learning - F


The letter "F"! Letter number 17. Held her back to make this one last a week, extra time on the letter "D" which we shortened the first time and she has been suddenly struggling with. It has been very odd. She had it down completely and now she keeps calling it "B" which she has not learned yet, but is eager to. She has learned how to recognize it. At this point, she is just excited to learn all the rest of the alphabet! "F" stuck really quickly, but we have continued working on it.

Shapes: nothing.

Actions: fight, swim like a fish, hop like a frog


  • Bedtime for Frances - Russell Hoban
    • Hoban books are always interesting. I love Frances, but Frances can be a bit of a brat too, so my opinion is a little complicated, but I do enjoy them and Bean really likes them. This is only the second one I have read and I thought it was solidly okay. I cannot say it is one of my favorites, but I will probably keep it on my list!
  • Fire Engines - Anne Rockwell
    • Well, Boogs loved this one. Basically it just talks about the different vehicles used by fire personnel, which is right up his alley. Super short book, very enjoyable in my personal opinion and perfect for little boys who love trucks like mine does!
  • Fish is Fish - Leo Lionni
    • Kind of a quirky little book, but good! I like the message of being yourself and staying in your own lane. Trying to live someone else's life is usually a detriment to your own which is what happens when Fish tries to see what Frog describes to him. Turns out, Fish does not do very well on dry land but Frog helps him out and Fish decides to stay in the habitat best for him. Cute kind of quirky!
  • Froggy Gets Dressed - Jonathan London
    • The Froggy books are fun in my opinion. Of course, Froggy forgets a bunch of things, be ready to announce "FRRROOOGGGGGYYYY" over and over and over. Froggy is supposed to sleep through the winter but he wants to go out into the snow! It takes him awhile to remember all the different layers he needs to put on and by the end he is exhausted. The kids really enjoyed it!
  • One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish - Dr. Seuss
    • Classic Dr. Seuss. Always worth a read!
  • The Story of Ferdinand - Munro Leaf
    • I know this is a classic, my daughter's 1000th book of her "1000 books before Kindergarten" which is actually "1000 books in first 365 days" for our family. It is a sweet little story, I can't say it's all my favorite, but it is still good. Ferdinand just isn't like the other bulls. It is another good one about just being who you were made to be. 
  • Good Morning, Farm Friends - Annie Bach
    • We love farm books. This one came from the Imagination Library and we really enjoy it. Wakes up all the animals on the farm, tells them what they need to do for the day, I enjoy it.
  • Night, Night, Farm - Amy Parker
    • And the opposite - telling all the animals goodnight! This one is so sweet. I think it's one of my personal favorite goodnight books that we have. The little animals are all so cute, I just adore them.
  • Fat Frogs on a Skinny Log - Sara Riches
    • Not my favorite, but given to us and fun to read every once in awhile. Not very often, but sometimes. Has some fun describing words in it!
  • Fraidy Cats - Stephen Krensky
    • This one is another hand-me-down book we got somehow and I think it is just so darn cute. The two kitties are trying to go to bed but they keep hearing different noises and conjure up ideas of what may be making them. It is a scary world, but they keep coming up with different ways of keeping the scary animals out of the place...until the dinosaur shows up...but they ultimately come to a conclusion and go to sleep. So much fun. I love it!
Only nine letters left to go, hard to believe, to be honest. I am very excited. Ready to start pushing if needed too. I think she might be ready for it, but will let you know as we keep moving. Trying to get through so we can take a summer break but also not going to push her too hard. I think this will be a balancing act from now until forever...but I suppose we shall see! Love what we are doing and so excited to keep doing it if we can!

- Mama


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