Little Letter Learning - J

 The 21st letter of our adventure here! I am so thankful to be getting near the close here since garden season is picking up, but I think my girl may have a different opinion when we get to the end because she is absolutely thrilled to be learning new letters. I do not see her taking it well when we have learned all the letters!

Shape: I don't know why I even list this anymore, but it is perfectly fine, I will continue it. I mean, at this point, I might as well!

Action: jump, jingle, jiggle


  • The Giant Jam Sandwich - John Vernon Lord
    • This is a clever little book that goes through a lot of the process of making the components of a sandwich, which is fun, plus its a cute little story about a little town with a wasp problem! They don't know how to get rid of them, so they trap them instead. Bean sat and read this over and over and over, it was fun to hear her say "wasps" because she got the letter jumbled. Her speech is really good, so I just enjoy it when she has words that are hard. "Animals", "wasps" and "cinnamon" are my favorites of her right now!
  • Jump! - Scot M Fischer
    • I cannot promise this will be a new family favorite, HOWEVER, I did enjoy reading it! Each animal is getting preyed on upon someone higher up the food chain, so there are a lot of reasons to read this one and then they, well, you can guess, JUMP!
  • Sheep in a Jeep - Nancy Shaw
    • Hopefully you have already read the Nancy Shaw "Sheep" books, they are all just a blast, lots of rhyming, always some rollicking fun and challenges, I love all of them. This one is extra fun, just great rhymes and stories!
  • Joey Runs Away - Jack Kent
    • Just read this one today, it was so cute! Joey decides he does not want to live with his mama anymore, she wants him to clean his room and he is just not interested in doing so, so he runs away. But every attempt to find a comfy room ends up falling short of his standards, thankfully, he gets back and decides it's time to clean this room up. Obviously, with Mama is the best place to be.
  • Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed - Eileen Christelow
    • Love this book, I think I have discussed this one before in "M", but they do a lot of jumping, so this is a great action to do with this book specifically!
  • Jemima Puddleduck - Beatrix Potter
    • We did not read this book, but if your child is older or if, by chance, you do not have a younger sibling being a challenge, I am confident it is a good one! The pictures are super cute but it was just too long for the Boogs man to put up with!
  • Jack's Garden - Henry Cole
    • Not a big fan of this book, but it is a great informational book about gardening, so I intend to keep it on the list because it goes through the entire life cycle of a seed/garden. Really good for teaching the littles about the whole thing no matter how annoying it is to read!
Hope you have enjoyed these letters as much as we have! I can't believe we are almost through...hang in there, Mamas!

- Mama


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