Little Letter Learning - W


The letter W - our 23rd letter! Girl Bean cannot help herself, she is too excited. We did "Y" (letter number 25, so do not expect to see that number appearing) as well - which means we just colored a paper for the wall. Really not terribly exciting but she has been recognizing "Y" for a few weeks, so we just threw it in there, exactly like the letter "O". It has satisfied her craving for another letter and has also helped us make sure we have "W" down! I have enjoyed the "W" books a lot, there are a few that did not make this list, but overall pretty positive.

Shapes: just ignore this, bad habit.

Actions: wave, waddle, wink


  • Wemberly Worried - Kevin Henkes
    • I thought this one was cute, the little mouse is just adorable! Wemberly worries about everything, so when the first day of school comes around she is very worried, but, turns out, there is someone else who worries as well, in the end, it is Wemberly who gets to tell other people not to worry!
  • Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak
    • A classic with a lot of "W" words in the title! I cannot say this is one of my favorites, as usual, the title "classic" may or may not mean much when it comes to the quality of the book. Honestly, I do not like the parenting. Mom sends max to bed without supper and then brings him supper anyway? Not really what we are looking for. 
  • The Worrywarts - Pamela Duncan Edwards
    • All three of us enjoyed this one! It was so fun. Three friends are ready to go explore the world...but what if....? There are so many things to go wrong, thankfully, they can prepare for it and good thing they do! It is quite the adventure! I thought this one was absolutely adorable.
  • Mrs. Wishy-Washy - Joy Cowles
    • Super simple book, perfect for little Boogie brother! Mrs. Wishy-Washy takes care of all the farm animals - wishy-washy, wishy-washy - but they just cannot help themselves, they love mud!
  • The Wind Blew - Pat Hutchins
    • So I liked this one too, but not as much as "The Doorbell Rang". My husband really liked it! The wind keeps blowing a lot of different items around, every time you turn the page a new thing is in the wind - and every time, there is a hint! We have enjoyed it a lot.
  • The Watermelon Seed - Greg Pizzoli
    • Perfect book since Bean loves watermelon. The little crocodile (or alligator..I don't remember and am not going to get up and look) loves watermelon so much and takes big bites and WHOOPS, was that a seed? What will happen? Should we worry?
  • Where's Waldo? - Martin Handford
    • If you have someone who liked search and finds, these are always fun. Bean only likes them on her terms, but we enjoy looking at them. My hubby is a big fan, so she loves to look through them with her dad. They have a lot of fun with it. I find it frustrating because there is no way to make sure you have found everything. It is irritating to me, but I like finding the things I know for sure are on all of the pages!
I hope the letter learning is going well for you. We are almost done and none too soon! Lots of weeding and gardening to do!

- Mama


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