Little Letter Learning - X


LAST LETTER, PEOPLE! We made it! Wahoo! The letter "X"! Bean girl was very excited, to be honest. I think she is ready to be done, I did warn her earlier that this would be our last day so she started looking at it as a good thing. I am very excited to get our summer running for the next, what, two months? Two and a half? It's going to be great. We will keep working on things through the summer, I am still going to read to her and have her identify letters, we will still do flashcards for numbers and letters, but no more papers or interlibrary loaning a ton of books every week, including doing a final write-up, which I have enjoyed, but will be glad to have a break from!

Shapes - I guess an "X" - like in tic-tac-toe

Actions: play a xylaphone

Books: Disclaimer - Most of these were solidly okay, but they are what I have!

  • Christina Katerina and the Box - Patricia Lee Gauch
    • I enjoyed this one, Christina Katerina really loves boxes, especially big boxes! It was cute to see the little girl's imagination and every single Mama will totally understand and appreciate the mother's perspective. I'm a fan. It is also in black and white, which I also loved because it is just a little older!
  • Fox in Socks - Dr. Seuss
    • Hands down one of our absolute favorites in regular life, better yet in school! If you have not read this one you are missing out.
  • The Adventures of Taxi Dog - Debra Barracca
    • This is a good book, I am not a big fan of dogs or animals in general, but it is a sweet story about a city stray who is picked up by a taxi driver who takes him as his own and takes him on rides with him. I love the perspective of the city from his point of view.
  • My Mom has X-Ray Vision - Angela McAllister
    • Every parent should adore this story. I found it so entertaining! Matthew is CONVINCED his mom has x-ray vision, so he tests her a few times...turns out...she does not have x-ray vision...BUT, he does figure out her secret...which we all know is the ultimate answer!
  • Hattie and the Fox - Mem Fox
    • Eh, solidly okay. I don't know if it is really worth reading again, but we will see. Very simple, pretty old, but not a classic type of an oldie, more just an oldie. It is not completely off the table in the future but it is definitely on the brink!
And with that - our alphabet adventure is through! We are on to the next adventure next year - reading! YAY! Thinking I am going to teach her lower case letters while we learn to read...which will be a little challenging, but I think it might work well, but it might not, so we will see! Thanks for taking the journey with us!

- Mama


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