Little Letter Learning - Z


Letter number 22 has been a lot of fun, she was SO thrilled to learn the letter "Z". It has been a great time for her, and yet, she has been begging to learn a new letter still. I cannot win with this sweet girl. Very thankful for her love of learning and desire to learn though! Only 4 to go after this one and I think we are going to skip "Y" since she has already picked that one up. Just going to color one to put on the wall I think so expect one of the future numbers to be completely skipped!

Shape: again, why am I doing this?

Action: zip a zipper - if you can come up with more actions, let me know!


  • Zero the Hero - Joan Holub
    • Okay, so I plan on using this book when we get to the point of doing math! Lots of books about the number zero on this list and I really appreciate it since I have never considered teaching her the "value" of zero! This one is really cute, I did not read any of the lines in the word bubbles because I usually find them annoying, but it did not take the value of the book away!
  • Zoomer - Ned Young
    • Not totally sure how I feel about this one, I will see what my husband thinks. Zoomer does NOT want to go to school and instead does all sorts of fun things at home. He drives his dad crazy...but the twist at then end shows exactly why Zoomer feels so strongly about not going to school suddenly, when he normally loves to go!
  • Zero Is The Leaves on the Trees - Betsy Franco
    • Another one to actually SEE what zero is! I think this helped my girl a lot. We have been working on numbers continuously. Super difficult for me since she can whip out all the letters (22 now) with ease, but the 10 numbers we have? Still struggles with 9 and 7...why? I have no idea, but I love that she actually gets to wrap her mind around the number zero now!
  • Animal Strike at the Zoo, It's True! - Karma Wilson
    • This is such a cute little book. The animals go on strike. They do not want to work unless they get what they want, but every time one animal is appeased, the other one does not want to be part of it anymore...until they get a reminder of why they do what they do - then all the animals are back to work at the zoo and they realize they truly love their jobs!
  • If Anything Ever Goes Wrong at the Zoo - Mary Jean Hendrick
    • The little girl in this book absolutely loves the zoo. She would love to have some of the animals at her house, but they keep telling her she can't, even though she tells the zookeepers she has everything needed at her house! As a last resort and to prove she really just wants to help, she tells them where she lives in case anything ever goes wrong, so they have a place to bring the animals. As you can imagine, the time does arrive for her to help and she gets to realize how much of a commotion those animals cause! Great book to talk about checking with Mama prior to inviting friends over!
  • ZerO - Kathryn Otoshi
    • Another book about the number zero and the value it adds to the other numbers! I liked this in the application of learning double digits and counting by 10s! I think it might be one of my favorites!
Honestly, these books have been about the best ones. I liked all the ones on the list and did not have to take any off! No language I didn't agree with, no storylines I disliked, all good and helpful in more than one way! Only a few letters left! Almost there!

- Mama


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