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Little Letter Learning - X

  LAST LETTER, PEOPLE! We made it! Wahoo! The letter "X"! Bean girl was very excited, to be honest. I think she is ready to be done, I did warn her earlier that this would be our last day so she started looking at it as a good thing. I am very excited to get our summer running for the next, what, two months? Two and a half? It's going to be great. We will keep working on things through the summer, I am still going to read to her and have her identify letters, we will still do flashcards for numbers and letters, but no more papers or interlibrary loaning a ton of books every week, including doing a final write-up, which I have enjoyed, but will be glad to have a break from! Shapes - I guess an "X" - like in tic-tac-toe Actions: play a xylaphone Books: Disclaimer - Most of these were solidly okay, but they are what I have! Christina Katerina and the Box - Patricia Lee Gauch I enjoyed this one, Christina Katerina really loves boxes, especially big boxes! It was cut

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